Wednesday, February 24, 2010

If its Wednesday, it must be Water Day!

I love VBS.

A hot summer morning, opening up the church in the middle of the week, preparing a place where the goal is to tell the smallest disciples about the love He has for just for them. It's a week of anticipation, exploring a Savior that can perform miracles while creating beyond our imagination and singing songs of praise.

I liken it to the Super Bowl...and get just as excited.

I've been involved with my church's summer program for ten years. It started with leading crafts, then teaching the unruly 6th grade class and 5 years ago I took over directorship. I've loved every minute. So much so, that at one point in my ministry, I considered applying to one of the big publishing houses, get to the source where I could help create Vacation Bible School curriculum that would inspire children to a wondrous faith. Creating in California would be so much better than cutting fun foam crosses in New Jersey...right?

I even attended a VBS seminar at my local bookstore. Those big ol' publishing houses were represented and each flashlight, paper clip, video reel and power point presentation they gave out was used to convince me that their particular curriculum was exactly what was needed for a great program that will further the kingdom of God.

Gotta love CS...Christian Swag.

Then came the actual presentations. Now, I'm familiar with Bible School Themes. I've been in a space academy, gone to a wilderness camp, been a sports hero and prayed down on the farm. So worshiping with a capuchin in the rain forest didn't seem like a reach, it almost felt like home.
Then came Green Jesus. Reinforcing christian responsibilities to one's family, health and faith in the urban community. A noble and worthy course of study for sure.
Finally, we heard about being a hero with Jesus while not necessarily being an hero type person. The lessons were all about stories of nameless people in the Bible.

I listened to them all. Looked over lesson books, craft projects and snack suggestions. I won't tell you what I chose, only you will know what is right for your resources and your church, but I did learn a very important thing that day.

It doesn't matter how you do Vacation Bible School and Outreach, it just matters that you do it.

I felt a shift in my soul. I didn't want to go BIG, I wanted to stay and tend to and maintain a VBS in my community that would help kids I knew and loved. Like the gardener that vows to give the fruit tree all his effort for one more year, I am fully committed to not only directing the program but providing VBS for the community. That place where a powerful God pours out love and laughter like a splash on water day. A place where lots of receiving goes on too. Its the living picture of "going where they are". A summer place of play and faith. Themes and snacks fade when you talk to kids and relate your faith in a real way.

His way, sending real people to love the way they have been loved.

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